It is pivotal to have access to money, in order to start and run a business. There are many ways to get money, the most suitable sources are:
· Own savings
Personal saving is an advantage for entrepreneurs; this will prevent stress and pressure of gathering money from scratch. Savings can be from previous employments, inheritance, and redundancy. This will be a positive head start for the business and a helping hand also advantage is its interest free.
· Partnership
This is when two savings is used to help start the business. This is an advantage as there is more money and less pressure. There is a disadvantage for this scheme; sometimes entrepreneurs may fall out over disagreements.
· Loans
Entrepreneurs may ask loans from family and friends. This is a hassle free loan, as family may not charge high interests and pressurise to pay back by certain time. Also there a new schemes for entrepreneurs who are looking for a loan. Local, national and European governments now offer special loans and grants. For example The Princes Trust can help budding entrepreneurs with loan to start business.
what are the sources of finance in banking?are it is similar to this?